
Hi! Nice to see you on my website! This means you are interested for design support and you are only one click away to get connected! Let me know your thoughts, ideas, visions!
I'm always looking for new projects and opportunities!

Why is
design important?

What are the benefits?

Why should I contact a designer to visualize my product, brand? That's an easy answer! To give you a visual voice, a visual representation because after all the Zeitgeist is not only in real life but as well on the worldwide web. Whatever you may be, a brand, a product, a service or an event.. You want to be visible to your target audience. Visual representation is everything and the key to a successful business, is just that. Good Design enhances the quality of your product, service etc.. It's an essential attribute. With my experience and skill set we can take your business or product to the next level. let's chat.

Let's explore my areas of expertise:

Logo Design


Corporate Identity
Business cards, etc. the most common term. But when it comes to define a whole brand it needs more than only a Logo. It needs a Corporate Identity in order to create your identity, Let's have a chat about it!
A Logo is only one part of this process but I want to know who you are and where you want to go!

Let's find out!


Everything you are surrounded by is design. Graphic Design is about communicating the right message, engagement and feeling. Think about your surroundings of street signs, book covers, advertisements, packaging - the list is endless. Do you need a flyer? Booklet? Postcard?Poster?
Let's talk about your project!




Book Cover, etc.


I call it, your digital business card, combined with your expertise and portfolio or even straight to the service you are offering. A Website nowadays is your storefront or office just virtually, which begs the question how does a good storefront look like? Surely not dusty and half hearted right? lt has never been more easy to represent yourself in such an easy fun way. You don't know where to start? I can help you with that. From a beginner website such as a One-pager, or a more elaborate website and e-commerce shop, are all options I can help you with.
Let me know your vision!


Software, Apps

TOOLS I use: FIGMA, XD, Sketch, WIX, Sqaurespace, Wordpress, Shopify etc.

Social Media Design

Social Media is by far the fastest growing tool you can use to your benefit in order to expand your business in reaching your clients. It is nothing exclusive to only corporate companies but even the entrepreneur can claim the benefits - with the right strategy of storytelling and creating posts which will let your audience know what it is you're trying to bring closer to them. You are overwhelmed and sometimes frustrated with your Instagram account? Don't worry, I will create the proper cohesion you need to reach your audience. I'm your Designer!



person sitting in a chair in front of a man
person sitting in a chair in front of a man



Sometimes all we need is a little push in the right direction and good advice - to get things moving. I am here to give you feedback on any design and communications aspects you might be struggling with. As well as managing an existing design team in giving the direction and vision it needs to move towards to.

white wooden board near window and plant
white wooden board near window and plant



I offer engaging workshops centered on design, catering to various learning preferences and needs. These sessions cover different aspects of creativity within the design field. Whether you prefer personalized 1:1 instruction or thrive in group settings, I provide options to suit your learning style. My workshops are not limited to individuals; I also create tailored programs for companies looking to enhance their design capabilities and foster creativity among their teams.

Join me to explore and expand your design skills in a format that works best for you.